How to know if you’re living your full potential

How to know if you're living your full potential

How do we know we aren’t living our full potential/purpose?

  1. We feel frequently agitated or disappointed.
  2. A persistent sense of sadness lingers in our stomach causing us to withdraw from life, relationships and dreams.
  3. We feel a lack of energy or fatigue.
  4. Seemingly small happenings seem to overwhelm us, making us feel cheated and victimised.
  5. We hear a lot of “should have” and “could have”
  6. and we cannot seem stop dreaming about another life or spouse or body (or have abandoned all dreams entirely).

    We simply don’t understand why we’re here (in this job, with this partner, in this city, living in this house) and the only thing that keeps us going is a sense of obligation to look good and busy.

Here is the deal: There is more to life than surviving the day, the week, the month.
More than trying hard to make your relationships work and more than controlling your health with dogmas and rules and restriction.
There is more than fearing or resenting every decision that we want or have to make. There is more than just guessing what Life asks of you and more than beating yourself up when you made the wrong guess.

Most importantly though there is definitely more than being merely ok with where you are now.

Here’s another deal: There is a world of meaning in your potential or in other words: Living your potential is a decision to live a meaningful life.

Your potential has a purpose only you can uncover and meaning only you can define. Deciding to uncover your potential will lead to an extra-ordinary life.

The discovery of your potential is a sweet process – a deepening happening layer by layer. The sweetest thing though is: there is no rush. All rushing seizes as you decide to go for gold.

When does this discovery really start?

Once you recognise that you and your potential are worth discovering. Once you accept that no person, place or thing can define it for you. You will feel when you are ready – words alone cannot touch it.

Where excactly do I find it?

Your purpose is found in everyday life and more so in your attitude to your inner world. It is found when you choose to live life with a genuine heart that chooses greater meaning for itself and for everything that happens.

As you choose to arrive internally right where you are, you cultivate an understanding with which you’ll be able to finally shift your view on life. From “get me out of here” to “let’s see what I can make of this”.

You’ll be able to start to create the life you really want to live – fulfilling, beautiful, balanced, healthy, empowered and most of all meaningful.

As the quality of your attitude shifts, your potential will continue to unfold for you – naturally. To that unfolding, I bow – may it bring you joy and love and happiness.

To allow AND encourage this unfolding leads to a life fully lived and to your potential fully seized!

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