Seasons in your menstrual cycle

Seasons in your menstrual cycle - and how to use them

The seasons in your menstrual cycle are changing constantly and many women are becoming increasingly aware of it. This is really good news for many reasons. Most importantly, it is the body-literacy you need in order to not drown in the world. With this kind of self-knowledge chances are much much higher that you stay in contact with yourself plus your impact in the world will be stronger.

It is a boundary that consists of self-love and self-knowledge.

Following is an overview of the seasons in your menstrual cycle, maybe giving you inspiration on what to look for in your own experience (note: it will always  remain an individual experience). Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer are describing this beautifully in their book wild power which I recommend as a beautiful entry point and which serves as inspiration for this blogpost.

Your monthly cycle roughly holds 4 seasons (plus transition phases, never forget transitions!) that express differently in your life, each holding a unique purpose for you. There are general characteristics of each phase that let you determine in which phase you’re in and how to respond to it. To make it easier for you to observe the manifestations of the seasonal energy in your life, let’s see what each phase is about.

It’s also good to know why it is important to acknowledge your seasonal nature in the first place.

Many of us have lost touch with ourselves and the greater whole that we are part of. We are living in a fast world that rarely pays attention to the state it is in. This is a reflection of how we deal with ourselves. Let’s be honest, how often do you ask yourself honestly and openly “What am I feeling right now?”. We act as if we have an endless supply of linear, active energy, as if we actually don’t need to rest and recharge. We exploit nature’s resources not because we are bad people but because we are cut off from our body, feelings and emotions.

To come back to ourselves means to remember with our whole body, with mind and soul that we are nature’s own offspring. Working with the cycle we begin to realise that we, too, go through seasons just like the larger seasons nature demonstrate. To see the effect of each season on our body, mood and creativity we need to pay attention to the subtleties in our own everyday life. For this, we slow down, like way down, and pay attention to the feminine aspects, to feelings and emotions and actually respond the need for rest and restoration. This is possible should we become self-aware and honestly care about our well-being and fulfilment.

So should we?

Seasonal work is a way to respond to nature’s need as well as our own at the same time.

It helps you to navigate through life in a way that is suitable for you as a woman, not linear but cyclic. It helps you to understand yourself and your constitution as a woman and empowers you to express yourself fully despite the constrictions and limits that this world tries to set for you. Symptoms like PMS are a result of the suppression of your cyclic nature and feelings. It’s a parameter that tells you: something needs attention and maybe even something needs to change!

With the practice of recognising and living according to your cyclical nature, you will no longer be imprisoned in a structure of a world that is not build for you – or any of us for that matter – you’ll learn to use your softer, slower nature with confidence.

Yes, it requires determination. This is one way in which we work towards ending the suffering for ourselves and all human beings who have been set up as machines. We’re building a future in which our daughters and sons can feel free and empowered to be like nature – cyclic, powerful and full of wonder.

So no, this work is not for everyone because it asks for discipline and the willingness to break rules that were made by people who were entirely unaware of the feminine world of emotion and feeling. In your heart, you’ll know when you’re ready.

Ok makes sense but why will working with the seasons in your menstrual cycle help?

In order to learn to respond to what we actually need at any given time, seasons are our greatest teacher. “Respond” is a big word in all of it, as we let go of knowing and control, as we stop imposing on us, we become much softer and wholesome human beings.

If we supress or try and stretch out a Season past it’s nature (e.g. working like we work in summer well into winter) we’re working against us, against natures intention for us which is the cause for a lot of discomfort and stress in our body.

Here is the season’s overview in the light of your menstrual cycle (if you are currently not bleeding you may work with the moon cycle as well).

Winter (day 1-7): This phase usually starts right before you bleed. Low energy, your hormones are depleted. It’s a time for rest and restoration. Your body is in need of your support and nurturing. You become more sensitive to outside stimulation and the energy wants to deepen within your being. You’re introspective and more aware of what is going on (unconsciously) in yourself, your surroundings and in the world. It’s not a time to follow demands of the outside but rather give care to yourself. Saying “no” is your ally in this phase. If we allow it, it’s a time of wisdom, magic and creativity.

Spring (day 7-14): Starts around the time leading up to ovulation. Energy is rising as are your hormonal levels. You’re filled with more yang energy supporting you to act upon dreams and intentions. You feel refreshed and ready to plan your month. You are more open and slowly engaging outwardly again. Your body feels stronger and vital and things are coming together for you. This is the phase of starting new things and act on what you uncovered in the winter/wisdom phase. You also find yourself wanting to work more, being focused and driven.

Summer (day 14-21): Usually starts around ovulation. It’s an expressive and social phase. It’s the reaping of the inner work you’ve done. Energy levels are up and you are engaging in outward activities. Community building and being of service to others. Your fertility is high, probably your libido as well. This is the time to experience yourself in relationships. Networking might be easier (especially for introverts – to a degree, of course) and possible for you to hold space for others.

Fall (day 21-28): This is the winding down phase. You are feeling more inward and reflective, you may become more agitated by the demands that are posed upon you. Your nature is seeking more time alone to take care of your body and soul. You may use this time to withdraw from the world and put focus on creative ideas that need nurturing. This is a time especially carved for setting healthy boundaries. PMS is real, the intensity is a reflection of how well you live the energies of the cycles and respond to what you need. If you are teaching yourself that you are willing to listen to your body and act according to what you hear you may find yourself less emotionally overwhelmed and agitated. You are able to realise your dreams and goals with more ease and flow than before. I observed that during this phase the inner critic is loudest as we find ourselves unable or simply unwilling to stem the weight of the world. Hormones are dipping and everything is a little more chaotic. Relaxing into this phase is a challenge as it contains quite the charge, letting yourself be carried by this strong energy is a gamechanger though.

This work is a practice of self-love. Self-love is not always quiet and slow but sometimes active and loud, expressive and engaging.

Knowing yourself will develope the self-trust you need to stand upright in the world at any given time. Instead of following the judgments of the world (“women are unpredictable”) you begin to understand that this is not true. Or at least that it’s not a bad thing. We’re more complex. As soon as we understand ourselves in this light, we transform our insecurities that are fuelled by the world we live in. As we choose to follow our inner guidance and our own nature we are empowered. We become healthier, more fulfilled and more engaged human beings and we begin to set the standards for the ones who follow in our footsteps.


If you want to deepen the spiritual work with your cycle, I offer a cycle awareness package for this specific purpose.

What does it mean to move from within?

What does it mean to move from within?

What it means to move from within. Moving in integrity. Moving from Being. Moving from Wholeness.

Every day we are receiving messages, a big load from the outside and from all parts of ourselves within.

There are these underlying questions: What do I listen to? What is my Voice?

Mind, Heart, Spirit and Body are constantly communicating with us. All aspects speaking their own language, seemingly asking us to move in all directions, all the time at the same time: “Act on what we are telling you – immediately.”

Is following these aspects as they speak the big move from within?

Yes and No.

Following one aspect alone – immediately – no. That is called moving from impulse.

Listening and waiting to hear all aspects of yourself, yes. That is the first step in learning how to move from within. You are becoming aware of yourself.

The mind in its powerful force can come from all sorts of agendas. It can project, distort, clear up and give order to our mess. It is deep and powerful and without a task it often is all over the place. Our body with her aches and symptoms, feeling energized than depleted and energized again. Asking us to feed it and fast in between. It’s on us to know what she needs and when. She tells us so much that we often ignore. Our Heart with her emotions, with her sensations and feelings and guidance. A heart that feels good when it’s heard. How to hear that heart of ours? That’s a good question. We sometimes like what we hear and often we don’t. Mostly because we find that we have no time to let the emotion play itself out. So we push down, too afraid to have that conversation, the one that our head tells us will never end. Our spirit guiding us in subtler ways. In response to our questions. Even receiving a good question is an art of spirit itself.

All of those conversations are ongoing in every second of the day. So it is very important for us to learn our own language(s). Conversations within our own being are powerful tools. We learn to move from within – when done consciously. Unconsciously this is not conversation it is overwhelm, chaos and often suffering under the seemingly conflicting aspects of ourselves. Why? Because we aren’t at the table with them. We are busy moving from A to B. Or numbing ourselves out, not moving at all. Not listening.

We need to see and understand: We are never not in conversation with ourselves. The question is: Are we willing to take the time and listen?

To move from within, we are in need of knowing what to respond to and what to simply listen to. We are in need of knowing which move to make and which impulse to resist.

There are dangers along the way of course. 1. We could end up not following any voice, waiting too long. Never making that big jump to the next stage of life and 2. We could end up making too many changes at once never to seize the life we are meant to live at this stage of life.

So how does the waiting serve us? As we are waiting for a bigger picture to form and a clearer answer to come to us, we are asked to truly listening to what it is that we are meant to do.

In the process (that is called time), an answer forms from not just one aspect but all aspects of ourselves as one by one is heard by us. This brings awareness to all parts of ourselves as it gives every aspect a chance to come to the table and share their truth.

This is the setup of moving from within. Considering all of us without reacting too soon we are asking our Self to make sense of all seemingly contradicting messages. This is the responsibility everyone can take for themselves. This is our part.

How do we start listening and determining who is speaking? How do we interpret what we hear? When do we make a move and when do we just keep listening?

We need to realise first that all these aspects are connected and not just in conversation with us but with each other too. The question is also: How well do we manage those conversations?

Those are big inquiries and words wouldn’t teach you anything of value. You need to know your own inner aspects of self. You need to sit with them at the table.

As we are waiting patiently and actively for the answer from our deepest Self we are waiting for our true path to unfold.

Sitting with the aspects is validating them so that they can unravel the deeper wisdom from Self. Wisdom that is powerful and transformative. Resulting in a new you.

The aspect I also want to talk about is the transformation that happens while you wait – the culmination of all conversations – the big move within. The point in which all is clear and a new Life begins. Not just a new chapter but a different book.

This is how it becomes the bigger truth. The real guidance from within. Through which you then make your move.

What are we communicating with in those moments? Or a better question would be:

What is communicating with us? What is happening in a moment of pure and utter clarity?

It is a conversation with self. Our Whole Self.

Where all the parts join in one big agreement. Where everything is suddenly making sense. As the inner authority awakens. It tells you about. All the moves you did and didn’t do. All the decisions you made and didn’t make. All the experiences you’ve had and didn’t have. All that you tried and didn’t try. And all that you really want and all that you don’t want. And the meaning behind all of it.

So as you see there is a big distinction.

A longing from one part is not necessarily a quest from self that you need to move in a certain direction. A body symptom is not necessarily a sign from self that you are unhealthy. A messy emotion is not a sign from self that you are depressed. A lack of answer to a question is not a sign from self that spirit doesn’t have your back. It might be a symbol, a way to get your attention to come to the table and talk. It is simply an invitation to listen. As Self is sending you single signs from all aspects you are lead to a bigger realisation that you are to be blessed with.

Let the sum of those things form a bigger picture.

This requires strength and focus and a lot of awareness. In this awareness transformation happens.

How long do we have to wait in order to receive such a transformation? That depends on many things. First is listening and sitting at the table with ourselves. It requires us to wring all life out of the experiences we have. Without ascribing meaning to things too soon and yet still knowing that there is meaning lurking behind all things. This is a flow, a trust, a knowing that we stand for. This is how we wait while we wait. In expectation of the self that is coming to move us from within.

Here’s the sum up:

  1. We are always in conversation with different parts of ourselves. This is a practice and the first move is to be aware of that which is happening within.
  2. Many aspects want us to move almost every second of the day which doesn’t mean we have to.
  3. Determine what requires action and what requires to wait and be still. We actually have to move far less than we think. Waiting is a big move from within.
  4. The biggest move from within is a culmination of all conversations we had with ourselves. It is a transformation of character. We have become the person that understands themselves and therefore enters a new stage of life.
  5. We receive such blessing only when we are aware of ourselves and when we cultivated the ability to resist impulse.

Dear “moody” Woman, who are you really?

Dear "moody" Woman, Who are you really?

A Woman. Called „moody“ is a statement of utter disgrace for all women. A habit of speaking cultivated by the ignorant. Cultivated by the ones who do not know. Women. Life. A habitual threat only to a Woman who does not yet know herself. If she takes it, oh Boys (and Girls) are you in for a treat. When she identifies with what has nothing to do with her. Identifies disgrace instead of true Identity. The Creator that she is. The Grace that she is. The power that she is. Will she become destructive. Not only to herself but to the environment and to children and to all kinds of scenarios that you cannot even imagine.


A woman’s workings are of most significance this time. This time more than ever before! A woman needs to know herself.


Why? We need her soft (not weak) and nurturing creations! to uplift us and change us. Feel with us. Oh how much we need to feel again. We need all women to rise. To shine and be the Grace. We need all women to come forth from behind the shame of her „mood“ that you (and she) didn’t understand.


We need all women to drop. All swords and all insecurities and all priorities that she puts in front of her own happiness. Her own wholeness. Her own well being. A whole woman is the Well we need. The foundation for our safety. The nurturing aspect of creation.


A woman is moisture for the earth, her practice sacred, her mind sacred, her body sacred her Heart. Made of the sacred for the sacred. Healing her Creation tool! If you call a woman „moody“ you do not know what the f** you’re doing. to all of us. You do not know and will probably not ever know. Unless…


…Unless a woman learns to understand herself. Her cycle. Receives her sacredness in „moods“ and maybe. Maybe one day showers it all over you. Kindly telling you to leave with the wind when the sun rises golden in the morning. You will not see her again. Because you have not seen her before. And as of now she sees herself. As of now your poor translation of her cycling Life dries up. Up and down and out of here. Unless you change your mood about it, it will leave blisters in your throat and wrinkles in your voice. You will not speak to her (any her) like that again. Without taking your own medicine. Of ugliness.


A woman proud of her Woman. A whole woman. Joy free to be itself. A woman who knows that she is a Creator. Is all. All. All this world needs. You‘ll see! As she starts seeing. The sacredness even in your ugliness. And then you will be saved. Thank Goddess. Thank Woman!

How does transformation happen?

How does transformation happen?

To deeply understand what transformation really is, let me tell you first what it is not.

Transformation is not superficial! Which means it doesn’t happen through positive thinking or affirmations alone. It also doesn’t happen on the side or by the way – It is the way!

You will know that it happens as it happens. You will feel it because you are it.

Transformation is the only way to that real, genuine and lasting change – that kind of change from which there is no return.

So how to go about it then? How do we really transform?

As we begin to understand that we cannot think our way to freedom we begin to tap into deeper realms and layers of ourself. Rather than thinking our way to transformation we experience our way through it. For that we must let go of all that superficial sh** , let go of who we think we are and let in what we actually want for ourselves.

So as we choose experience over thought, we transform. We become embodied, expressed and ultimately happy beings.

Most people exhaust themselves, denying their inner world, emotion and spiritual reality by trying to only think themselves to purpose and meaning. Thought is not wrong or unimportant – it is merely not enough.

Transformation therefore happens by experiencing all aspects of the whole person that you are: Mind, Body, Spirit and much more.

Through this holistic approach, uniquely fit only once for each person, we are discovering ourself in new and creative ways. Ways that are more in tune with the rythm of our nature and our actual purpose.

We identify with our depth as individuals of meaning and let go of the periphery of appearance. In the willingness to let go and in the seeking of our depth we have not only started the transformation but we’re right in the middle of it.

How do we seek?

Instead of thinking up ways to fix and twist and turn you around, giving you even more tasks to do, you’re approaching your deepest and most natural Self.  Seeking that part in you, no one can bullshit – not even you!

This Self is your Well, the Source from which all dreams, values, meaning, courage, purpose, beauty, health and unique potential springs from. The experience of the Source is different and unique for every single one of us.

How do we get to our own unique Well?

Through the wilderness and wisdom of your wonderful body.

Your body holds a natural sense of what’s right for you at any given moment – a natural sense also known as intuition and body wisdom.

If you learn to listen deeply to your body and its messages, you’ll find that it always communicates your next best step to you. The more you learn to speak your body’s unique language and become increasingly willing to respond instead of ignore, the more flow, beauty and fulfilment you’ll experience in your everyday life.

In your willingeness to listen can real transformation happen.

Once you speak your body’s language fluently (which will be a daily practice) you are set to take on any challenge and circumstance with confidence and grace. This will be the outcome of the transformation you have sought and it will be worth it. Trust me.

So what’s left to do to transform? Take that language class today. How? Simply tune in and ask your intuition.

Or kick it off with a free sample session today. Coaching is that language class.

glücklich sein

glücklich sein

Der Mensch und das Glück. Irgendwann beschäftigen wir uns alle mit der Frage: Was macht uns glücklich? Und wenn nicht bewusst, ist die Suche danach doch irgendwie immer der Unterton jeden Austausches miteinander.

Die Antwort scheint so greifbar und doch unheimlich schwammig. Ich bin sicher ihr habt’s oft gehört, das größte Geheimnis des puren Glücks, ist die Frage der Einstellung. Oft ist es aber verdammt schwierig unseren Alltag glücklich und elegant zu meistern, richtige Einstellung hin oder her.

Wir werden überrascht von Emotionen, die wir nicht verstehen, Gefühlen, die wir nicht wollen und unzähligen Menschen und Ereignisse, die es nicht zulassen, dass sich unser Glück stabilisieren kann.

Welche grundsätzliche Einstellung hilft uns nun dabei, dass auch die Dinge, die uns richtig auf die Nerven gehen, sich in eine Quelle des Glücks verwandeln?

Ich stelle immer häufiger fest, bereits ein großer Teil von uns Menschen, nährt von einer persönlichen und unerschöpflichen Quelle des Glücks, welche es ihnen erlaubt agiler mit negativen Ereignissen umzugehen. Sie wissen, dass sie sich schneller davon erholen und zu ihrem Glück zurück finden und besitzen deswegen immer irgendwie eine Art grazile (nicht uninteressierte) Losgelöstheit von den Dingen, die geschehen.

Jedoch gibt es ebenso viele, denen diese Quelle gänzlich verwehrt zu sein scheint. Sie nehmen die Welt und alles was ihnen zustößt, als ungerecht wahr, leiden oft unter Meinungen anderer und sind genervt vom Summen einer Eintagsfliege (ich spreche aus Erfahrung). Sie finden einfach keine stabile (und glückliche) Mitte.

Menschen ohne Glück, nennen es oft ihr Schicksal, dass nie etwas so läuft wie sie es gerne hätten. Zugeben muss ich ja, da ist was dran, ich mein das ist sicherlich nicht alles Einbildung oder?

Das Schicksal ist, entgegen des allgemeinen Glaubens, nichts statisches, es ist vielmehr das gesamte Leben, nicht nur das, was bisher geschah.
Das Schicksal ist deine innere Einstellung zu den Dingen, die dir passieren. Diese Einstellungen haben hauptsächlich deine Eltern, Freunde, Lehrer und die Medien dir, über Jahre hinweg, antrainiert.

Das alles kannst du jetzt ganz einfach mal in Frage stellen.

Möchte ich weiterhin mein Leben genauso erleben, wie ich es jetzt wahrnehme?

Wenn wir unser frühes Schicksal transformieren wollen, haben wir jede Freiheit der Welt das auch zu tun! Wir müssen das nur entscheiden! Eben die wichtigste Entscheidung unseres Lebens treffen!

Veränderung bedeutet nicht zwingend ein Orts-, Job-, oder Freunde Wechsel (unser Schicksal kommt nämlich sowieso mit), sondern dieser Einstellungswechsel. Das heißt wir ändern erstmal, wie wir über uns und unser Leben denken und schauen dann, ob wir unsere Umgebung anpassen müssen. Ohne neue Einstellung, ändern sich zwar (wie die Natur so will) die Umstände, in denen sich unser Schicksal präsentiert, nicht jedoch das Schicksal selbst.

Meistens sieht’s so aus:

Positives Ereignis -> Glücklicher Mensch
Negatives Ereignis -> Unglücklicher Mensch

Was hat das mit Selbstbestimmung oder nachhaltigem Glück zu tun? Richtig. Nada.

Nehmen wir also unser antrainiertes Schicksal endlich an, um es bewusst zu formen und letztendlich selbst zu bestimmen.

Bitte mir nachsprechen:

Nein, ich möchte nicht weiterhin das Opfer der Meinungen anderer Menschen, meiner instabilen Emotionen und dramatischer Ereignisse sein und Ja, ich möchte glücklich sein.

Boom! Done!

Jetzt stehen wir natürlich erstmal da und gucken verloren aus der Wäsche.
Das Gute ist aber, jetzt, nach dieser wichtigsten Entscheidung deines Lebens können wir uns den richtigen, gesunden Fragen (anstelle des Klassikers: Wieso passiert das immer nur mir? ) widmen.

Als Beispiel:
Was kann ich tun, denken und ändern, um glücklich zu sein?

Lerne dich mit neuen Fragen, neu kennen.

Das Schicksal anzunehmen, bedeutet somit aus seinem sogenannten Unglück, selbst eine Quelle des Glücks zu zaubern. Das nennt man dann bewusst leben und dafür ist eine offene Einstellung zu Veränderungen erforderlich.

Ich möchte betonen, nur, weil das so einfach klingt, heißt das noch lange nicht, dass es tatsächlich einfach oder gar angenehm ist. Veränderungen zuzulassen, selbst wenn diese selbst gewählt und positiv sind, bedeutet, unsere Komfort Zone verlassen zu müssen und das ist vielen Menschen ein Gräuel. Es ist leider mehr als offensichtlich, dass es vielen von uns nicht leicht fällt, offen zu sein.

Ich persönlich versuche täglich aufs Neue, alle scheinbar negativen Ereignisse, in eine Quelle des Glücks zu verwandeln, indem ich die Herausforderungen bewusst annehme. So absurd das klingt, allein die Entscheidung glücklich sein zu wollen, egal was passiert, hilft mir aus jeder Herausforderung gestärkt herauszukommen, weil ich weiß ich hab mein Bestes gegeben.

In der Entscheidung das Unglück erst zu akzeptieren und sich dessen bewusst mit neuer Einstellung zu stellen, liegt mein Geheimnis zum Glück.

Der Entfaltung des eigenen Glücks vorangehend, steht also die wichtige Entscheidung, Verantwortung für sich zu übernehmen und damit Verantwortung für unser Schicksal und unser daran gekoppeltes Unglück bzw. Glück.

Unser Leben auf Verantwortung zu bauen, ist das nachhaltigste und mutigste, wofür wir uns entscheiden können. Allein diese Entscheidung darf uns unheimlich stolz machen.

Wenn wir bewusst mit unseren Entscheidungen umgehen, werden wir erkennen, was Verantwortung übernehmen wirklich bedeutet.

Sobald Verantwortung für unsere Einstellungen und damit unseren Handlungen wieder voll und ganz bei uns ist, müssen wir sie durch bewusste Intentionen lenken.

Intentionen setzen heißt, dass nicht das Resultat einer Entscheidung unsere Verantwortung ist, sondern einzig und allein unser Motiv.
Das Motiv, muss erstmal entschieden werden. Aber keine Sorge, so viele Möglichkeiten gibt es da nicht.
Ganz grundsätzlich basieren Motive nämlich entweder auf Angst oder Liebe.

Gegen oder für dein Glück.

Meine Quelle des Glücks ist zu wissen, dass ich meinem Schicksal niemals ausgeliefert bin, sondern es immer nur eine Entscheidung entfernt davon ist, mit anderen Augen gesehen zu werden.

Meine Quelle ist die Abgabe von Kontrolle über das Resultat in Zukunft und die Begeisterung an der Erfahrung heute.

Mit Vertrauen komme ich täglich in den Genuss der allmählichen Entfaltung meiner liebevoll getroffenen Entscheidungen und darf mich dabei wie ein Mensch mit sehr viel Glück fühlen.


