The story that shaped my mission

What's the story that shaped my mission?

Your story shapes your purpose which shapes your mission.


And there’s not story without life experience.


Often we find our mission after experiencing the heaviest of emotions.

So it’s important to feel them, heal them and integrate them.

Here’s my mission: I help women get out of the prison of the mind into the poetry of the Body.


And her own beautiful body will take over guidance from there.


So what’s my story? The story that shaped this mission? 


I was brought up under the critical voice of my mother.


She had a good heart but no life of her own and her frustration and fear of life reflected in my upbringing. 


She had dreams and desires but rarely expressed them to anyone (mostly because she wasn’t aware of them). Once in a while they shimmered through a brief conversation only to be brushed of with „oh I won’t do that anyway, I am not made for more.“ . She was living according to what she’s been told (or not told) and she didn’t leave that narrative.


She was living in the prison of her mind.


Her body stored the trauma and limits she experienced from her parents. 


Living all her life in the same perspective:


„I can’t be more than this. I am not safe.“


Like a protective shield this narrative kept her in her head.


Far away from the trauma and pain stored in her body.


I, too, spent the first part of my life in prison because that’s what I’ve been modeled.


What woke me up then?


There were many things I could name here but the most important was my mother’s death.


I was with her at her deathbed, seeing her leave this earth with none of her dreams realized. 


She was unhappy, afraid, bitter and unable to open up to us (family) or life even in the last moments of her life.


She was still in prison when she left.


It was one of the most painful moments of my life.


At no other moment was it clearer, seeing death (life) take her back to origin:



This realisation was my key out of prison.


And from then on forth, I changed my story.


I told myself I will live a life that’s actually mine and show myself – and my mom as well – that it is POSSIBLE to make dreams reality – no matter who we thought we were.


And the only way to leave the narrative that kept me in prison was to enter my body.


To really root down into my body.


This might sound strange. But we don’t notice that we left the body until we come back to it.


My challenge after I realised this was NOT to leave my body again.

I did at first at ANY sign of difficulty.


Now, that’s normal when the body holds so much unresolved trauma + habits need time to change.


This means you leave your body over and over again because difficult feelings, internal chaos and shame make it unbearable to stay.


Deep healing was required and a strong willingness to stay connected to myself no matter what I was facing.


It is possible to build this unshakable allegiance to yourself and to your body but it doesn’t mean it’s easy.


I know for a fact that it is possible.


So I help women come home.


I help them to love their bodies and know how to read its infinite wisdom.


I want all women to give and receive the love that has been theirs all along


So she can live according to her own rhythm without restriction – and in that find the freedom she seeks to take her life to the “next level” (whatever that means for her).

Not from a place of hardship but –




If you want to find out how I do that AND want to build this unshakable allegiance to yourself, schedule your free sample session on my website. 

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