Being seen

Being seen

I am wondering. What it actually means “to be seen”. I am beginning to understand that certain things require exploration, like everyday quotes that are supposed to make you live your life to the fullest. Inspiration that has been de-spirated. No longer inspiration but actually a source of a deep feeling of “I am not living up”. One of those de-spirited, never explored quotes of the day? “Let the world see you.”

In me for a long time grew the idea with fear. Will I ever? And what will they see. What if they don’t like it? What do I show? And most of all the world is a huge place, isn’t it?

There’s a lot to do. I have to expose myself. all of it? Show my light. No, find my light first, my purpose, my talent, my strength and courage. Suss it all out. And then. With bells and whistles, let the world “see me”. All of me and not hold back. Ever again.


…turns out. It doesn’t only work like that. It also doesn’t mean that. At least for me after I explored a little.

Let me share my exploration. I started with. What should being seen give me? What should it feel like? And what is it good for? And who is the “me” that they should see? Yes, many questions. Simple answer:

With being seen I want to feel free.

Second question that arose. What is the world? Ok, this answer could be more complex but nailed down to essence. It is this: The world is your relationships. What? Yes.

The world is not Instagram. The world is not the woods. The world is not your home. Your work. Not any-thing. Your world is your relationship to all those things.

And of course to all the people that you know and don’t yet know. I want to focus on the people aspect of the world today because I’d say it’s my biggest interest. Ask yourself “DO the people in your life really see you?” and “Do they all see the same?” “What do they see with?” in other words: “What are you exposing to?” Best case sceanrio: To the heart of the other.

What is to be exposed? The only thing you usually hide inside because you fear to be rejected. What could that be?

Your feelings and emotions, yes.

What you feel. How you feel. Fear. Anger. Love. Energy. Emotion. Energy needs to be in motion. In order for us to be healthy and free. How do you move it? You show it.

“We need to let the world see us.” is the same as “We need to let the world feel us.” Really that simple? Yes. The art is though, to express as YOU want to express them. This is not often the case with…well…anyone. We hide them or We bust and lash out. But we do not show what is actually inside. mostly because we dont know.

We don’t see ourselves.

We don’t see ourselves because we either don’t care how we feel or are afraid of it.

So in order to truly be seen. Intelligence is needed.

We need to see our true emotions in us first. Then acknowledge them. Then know where to expose them. How and why to expose them. If done so. We are free. We are seen. In the world. In the heart of the other. Emotional intelligence. Is the Art. that is seen.

Dear “moody” Woman, who are you really?

Dear "moody" Woman, Who are you really?

A Woman. Called „moody“ is a statement of utter disgrace for all women. A habit of speaking cultivated by the ignorant. Cultivated by the ones who do not know. Women. Life. A habitual threat only to a Woman who does not yet know herself. If she takes it, oh Boys (and Girls) are you in for a treat. When she identifies with what has nothing to do with her. Identifies disgrace instead of true Identity. The Creator that she is. The Grace that she is. The power that she is. Will she become destructive. Not only to herself but to the environment and to children and to all kinds of scenarios that you cannot even imagine.


A woman’s workings are of most significance this time. This time more than ever before! A woman needs to know herself.


Why? We need her soft (not weak) and nurturing creations! to uplift us and change us. Feel with us. Oh how much we need to feel again. We need all women to rise. To shine and be the Grace. We need all women to come forth from behind the shame of her „mood“ that you (and she) didn’t understand.


We need all women to drop. All swords and all insecurities and all priorities that she puts in front of her own happiness. Her own wholeness. Her own well being. A whole woman is the Well we need. The foundation for our safety. The nurturing aspect of creation.


A woman is moisture for the earth, her practice sacred, her mind sacred, her body sacred her Heart. Made of the sacred for the sacred. Healing her Creation tool! If you call a woman „moody“ you do not know what the f** you’re doing. to all of us. You do not know and will probably not ever know. Unless…


…Unless a woman learns to understand herself. Her cycle. Receives her sacredness in „moods“ and maybe. Maybe one day showers it all over you. Kindly telling you to leave with the wind when the sun rises golden in the morning. You will not see her again. Because you have not seen her before. And as of now she sees herself. As of now your poor translation of her cycling Life dries up. Up and down and out of here. Unless you change your mood about it, it will leave blisters in your throat and wrinkles in your voice. You will not speak to her (any her) like that again. Without taking your own medicine. Of ugliness.


A woman proud of her Woman. A whole woman. Joy free to be itself. A woman who knows that she is a Creator. Is all. All. All this world needs. You‘ll see! As she starts seeing. The sacredness even in your ugliness. And then you will be saved. Thank Goddess. Thank Woman!

How to know if you’re living your full potential

How to know if you're living your full potential

How do we know we aren’t living our full potential/purpose?

  1. We feel frequently agitated or disappointed.
  2. A persistent sense of sadness lingers in our stomach causing us to withdraw from life, relationships and dreams.
  3. We feel a lack of energy or fatigue.
  4. Seemingly small happenings seem to overwhelm us, making us feel cheated and victimised.
  5. We hear a lot of “should have” and “could have”
  6. and we cannot seem stop dreaming about another life or spouse or body (or have abandoned all dreams entirely).

    We simply don’t understand why we’re here (in this job, with this partner, in this city, living in this house) and the only thing that keeps us going is a sense of obligation to look good and busy.

Here is the deal: There is more to life than surviving the day, the week, the month.
More than trying hard to make your relationships work and more than controlling your health with dogmas and rules and restriction.
There is more than fearing or resenting every decision that we want or have to make. There is more than just guessing what Life asks of you and more than beating yourself up when you made the wrong guess.

Most importantly though there is definitely more than being merely ok with where you are now.

Here’s another deal: There is a world of meaning in your potential or in other words: Living your potential is a decision to live a meaningful life.

Your potential has a purpose only you can uncover and meaning only you can define. Deciding to uncover your potential will lead to an extra-ordinary life.

The discovery of your potential is a sweet process – a deepening happening layer by layer. The sweetest thing though is: there is no rush. All rushing seizes as you decide to go for gold.

When does this discovery really start?

Once you recognise that you and your potential are worth discovering. Once you accept that no person, place or thing can define it for you. You will feel when you are ready – words alone cannot touch it.

Where excactly do I find it?

Your purpose is found in everyday life and more so in your attitude to your inner world. It is found when you choose to live life with a genuine heart that chooses greater meaning for itself and for everything that happens.

As you choose to arrive internally right where you are, you cultivate an understanding with which you’ll be able to finally shift your view on life. From “get me out of here” to “let’s see what I can make of this”.

You’ll be able to start to create the life you really want to live – fulfilling, beautiful, balanced, healthy, empowered and most of all meaningful.

As the quality of your attitude shifts, your potential will continue to unfold for you – naturally. To that unfolding, I bow – may it bring you joy and love and happiness.

To allow AND encourage this unfolding leads to a life fully lived and to your potential fully seized!

being a woman

being a woman

I am Woman.

I am mystery, magically. I am sensual.
More today than ever before.
Appreciation of a Woman.
Because of you here is what I know.

As long as I understand my Self as Woman.
No flaw can be found in me. I only make mistakes.
As long as I understand, will I be radiant, vibrant, confident.
As long as I understand my Self as Woman.
Ready men feel their Wholeness in my presence.
Unready men feel threat. To them I am nothing but a trigger.
Being a Woman.

As long as I understand my Woman! I am invincible, incredible, irresistible.

And as I am Woman, no disrespect can be brought unto my feet, my legs, my arms, my belly.
My face is soft. My eyes are soft. My Aura free to be itself.
Beams of a Woman.

How do I remain in my WOMAN? I ask, eagerly.
As long as You turn. Turn. Turn. Turn, dance, spin and dance around your
own Axis of a Woman.

As long as I turn to my Self, I turn to my Beauty.
As long as I turn to my Self, I turn to boundless Grace.
Oh and as a Woman I turn. I’d turn a thousand times. More.
I turn tables, I turn universes.
I turn to my Woman. When I hear knifes sharpening, eyes stinging, ears dropping, mouths loosing words of shame and hatred.
I know, they are loosing indeed.
Oh boy believe me, I turn. Joyously, Wholeheartedly.
I am absolute. I am Woman.

Mouth of a Woman know what you are made for.
To shoot “another” Woman in the foot?
My dear, you try to be saved too hard. You took a wrong turn.
And yet, Her Grace cannot be touched. Neither can Yours.
There is Grace in Her true mirror.
She is your mirror, She is your mirror and She is your mirror.
(Start your mirror work. I like what I see. I love.)

Women! When will you learn you’ve been deceived? You are made of the same.
Self as Woman.

Mouth of a Woman know what you were made for. Or not made for.
No sextoy for the insecure, no knife for a war that never was (and still destroyed everything), no companion to your dirty eyes, no protection to her dirty eyes, no daughter to your shame, no trash bag for your hurt.

In Your mouth there is no space for anything other than the deep melody of a rising Woman. When you know what You are made for, you know what you are made of.

Mouth of a woman know what you are made for.
Blame is not your business!
Solution is. Resurrection from an empty Heart.
Fullness of a Woman.

How can you be satisfied with self-deception?
How can you be satisfied
(“another”) Woman being less than you?
A man being less than you?
The world being less than you?
Or too much perhaps…
(Let the Woman in you answer).

I am satisfied only in the Admiration of my Woman. And in this I grow my Adimration for All.

You are made for the Real World. Made as the World, to be the World.
And you are made to save it as you saved yourself. From exploitation.

You are the World, do you hear?

You are powerful!
The most powerful, the highest power, the only power.
Gentle hands of a Woman.

My dear Woman,
learn your Self. Learn Who is inside your Body of infinite magic.
Boundless Woman!
Learn, your cycle, your love, your moods will lead your classroom to
Who you really are. Expressed.

And please for the sake of the world’s peace, love expressed, the world uplifted.
For increasing Health on earth, please…

LEARN TO OWN YOUR POWER. You are a Heaven of a…WOMAN!

glücklich sein

glücklich sein

Der Mensch und das Glück. Irgendwann beschäftigen wir uns alle mit der Frage: Was macht uns glücklich? Und wenn nicht bewusst, ist die Suche danach doch irgendwie immer der Unterton jeden Austausches miteinander.

Die Antwort scheint so greifbar und doch unheimlich schwammig. Ich bin sicher ihr habt’s oft gehört, das größte Geheimnis des puren Glücks, ist die Frage der Einstellung. Oft ist es aber verdammt schwierig unseren Alltag glücklich und elegant zu meistern, richtige Einstellung hin oder her.

Wir werden überrascht von Emotionen, die wir nicht verstehen, Gefühlen, die wir nicht wollen und unzähligen Menschen und Ereignisse, die es nicht zulassen, dass sich unser Glück stabilisieren kann.

Welche grundsätzliche Einstellung hilft uns nun dabei, dass auch die Dinge, die uns richtig auf die Nerven gehen, sich in eine Quelle des Glücks verwandeln?

Ich stelle immer häufiger fest, bereits ein großer Teil von uns Menschen, nährt von einer persönlichen und unerschöpflichen Quelle des Glücks, welche es ihnen erlaubt agiler mit negativen Ereignissen umzugehen. Sie wissen, dass sie sich schneller davon erholen und zu ihrem Glück zurück finden und besitzen deswegen immer irgendwie eine Art grazile (nicht uninteressierte) Losgelöstheit von den Dingen, die geschehen.

Jedoch gibt es ebenso viele, denen diese Quelle gänzlich verwehrt zu sein scheint. Sie nehmen die Welt und alles was ihnen zustößt, als ungerecht wahr, leiden oft unter Meinungen anderer und sind genervt vom Summen einer Eintagsfliege (ich spreche aus Erfahrung). Sie finden einfach keine stabile (und glückliche) Mitte.

Menschen ohne Glück, nennen es oft ihr Schicksal, dass nie etwas so läuft wie sie es gerne hätten. Zugeben muss ich ja, da ist was dran, ich mein das ist sicherlich nicht alles Einbildung oder?

Das Schicksal ist, entgegen des allgemeinen Glaubens, nichts statisches, es ist vielmehr das gesamte Leben, nicht nur das, was bisher geschah.
Das Schicksal ist deine innere Einstellung zu den Dingen, die dir passieren. Diese Einstellungen haben hauptsächlich deine Eltern, Freunde, Lehrer und die Medien dir, über Jahre hinweg, antrainiert.

Das alles kannst du jetzt ganz einfach mal in Frage stellen.

Möchte ich weiterhin mein Leben genauso erleben, wie ich es jetzt wahrnehme?

Wenn wir unser frühes Schicksal transformieren wollen, haben wir jede Freiheit der Welt das auch zu tun! Wir müssen das nur entscheiden! Eben die wichtigste Entscheidung unseres Lebens treffen!

Veränderung bedeutet nicht zwingend ein Orts-, Job-, oder Freunde Wechsel (unser Schicksal kommt nämlich sowieso mit), sondern dieser Einstellungswechsel. Das heißt wir ändern erstmal, wie wir über uns und unser Leben denken und schauen dann, ob wir unsere Umgebung anpassen müssen. Ohne neue Einstellung, ändern sich zwar (wie die Natur so will) die Umstände, in denen sich unser Schicksal präsentiert, nicht jedoch das Schicksal selbst.

Meistens sieht’s so aus:

Positives Ereignis -> Glücklicher Mensch
Negatives Ereignis -> Unglücklicher Mensch

Was hat das mit Selbstbestimmung oder nachhaltigem Glück zu tun? Richtig. Nada.

Nehmen wir also unser antrainiertes Schicksal endlich an, um es bewusst zu formen und letztendlich selbst zu bestimmen.

Bitte mir nachsprechen:

Nein, ich möchte nicht weiterhin das Opfer der Meinungen anderer Menschen, meiner instabilen Emotionen und dramatischer Ereignisse sein und Ja, ich möchte glücklich sein.

Boom! Done!

Jetzt stehen wir natürlich erstmal da und gucken verloren aus der Wäsche.
Das Gute ist aber, jetzt, nach dieser wichtigsten Entscheidung deines Lebens können wir uns den richtigen, gesunden Fragen (anstelle des Klassikers: Wieso passiert das immer nur mir? ) widmen.

Als Beispiel:
Was kann ich tun, denken und ändern, um glücklich zu sein?

Lerne dich mit neuen Fragen, neu kennen.

Das Schicksal anzunehmen, bedeutet somit aus seinem sogenannten Unglück, selbst eine Quelle des Glücks zu zaubern. Das nennt man dann bewusst leben und dafür ist eine offene Einstellung zu Veränderungen erforderlich.

Ich möchte betonen, nur, weil das so einfach klingt, heißt das noch lange nicht, dass es tatsächlich einfach oder gar angenehm ist. Veränderungen zuzulassen, selbst wenn diese selbst gewählt und positiv sind, bedeutet, unsere Komfort Zone verlassen zu müssen und das ist vielen Menschen ein Gräuel. Es ist leider mehr als offensichtlich, dass es vielen von uns nicht leicht fällt, offen zu sein.

Ich persönlich versuche täglich aufs Neue, alle scheinbar negativen Ereignisse, in eine Quelle des Glücks zu verwandeln, indem ich die Herausforderungen bewusst annehme. So absurd das klingt, allein die Entscheidung glücklich sein zu wollen, egal was passiert, hilft mir aus jeder Herausforderung gestärkt herauszukommen, weil ich weiß ich hab mein Bestes gegeben.

In der Entscheidung das Unglück erst zu akzeptieren und sich dessen bewusst mit neuer Einstellung zu stellen, liegt mein Geheimnis zum Glück.

Der Entfaltung des eigenen Glücks vorangehend, steht also die wichtige Entscheidung, Verantwortung für sich zu übernehmen und damit Verantwortung für unser Schicksal und unser daran gekoppeltes Unglück bzw. Glück.

Unser Leben auf Verantwortung zu bauen, ist das nachhaltigste und mutigste, wofür wir uns entscheiden können. Allein diese Entscheidung darf uns unheimlich stolz machen.

Wenn wir bewusst mit unseren Entscheidungen umgehen, werden wir erkennen, was Verantwortung übernehmen wirklich bedeutet.

Sobald Verantwortung für unsere Einstellungen und damit unseren Handlungen wieder voll und ganz bei uns ist, müssen wir sie durch bewusste Intentionen lenken.

Intentionen setzen heißt, dass nicht das Resultat einer Entscheidung unsere Verantwortung ist, sondern einzig und allein unser Motiv.
Das Motiv, muss erstmal entschieden werden. Aber keine Sorge, so viele Möglichkeiten gibt es da nicht.
Ganz grundsätzlich basieren Motive nämlich entweder auf Angst oder Liebe.

Gegen oder für dein Glück.

Meine Quelle des Glücks ist zu wissen, dass ich meinem Schicksal niemals ausgeliefert bin, sondern es immer nur eine Entscheidung entfernt davon ist, mit anderen Augen gesehen zu werden.

Meine Quelle ist die Abgabe von Kontrolle über das Resultat in Zukunft und die Begeisterung an der Erfahrung heute.

Mit Vertrauen komme ich täglich in den Genuss der allmählichen Entfaltung meiner liebevoll getroffenen Entscheidungen und darf mich dabei wie ein Mensch mit sehr viel Glück fühlen.


